U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05)
and Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA-09) have introduced the Federal Bird-Safe
Buildings Act (HR 2280). The bill is designed to prevent the deaths of
millions of birds by calling for each public building constructed, acquired, or
significantly altered by the General Services Administration (GSA) to
incorporate, to the maximum extent possible, bird-safe building materials and
design features. Many buildings constructed by GSA are already, in fact,
bird-friendly. The legislation would require GSA to take similar actions on
existing buildings, where practicable.
“Migratory bird season in Chicago reminds us
that birds are not only beautiful animals telling us that warmer weather is on
its way; but they help generate billions of dollars annually to the U.S. economy
through wildlife watching activities,” said Rep. Quigley. “However,
collisions with glass buildings claim hundreds of millions of bird lives each
year in the U.S. The Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act, a cost neutral bill,
would help prevent these deaths by including bird-safe building materials and
design features across federal buildings.”
Please urge your U.S. Representative to support the 2015 Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act,
which would help prevent the deaths of millions of birds by including bird-safe
building materials and design features across federal buildings.